My tutorials are written by me and are the results of my own imagination. Any resemblance to another tutorial are purely coincidental.
Please DO NOT claim any of my tutorials as your own.
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Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Mardi Gras Nights
This tutorial was written by me on March 4, 2025. The results are of my own imagination. Any resemblance to another tutorial is purely coincidental.
Please DO NOT claim this tutorial as your own.
This was written assuming you have a working knowledge of PSP.
Please keep in mind that I write the tutorial as I am creating the tag.
Sometimes I may not explain properly where to place things so please see my example if you are ever in doubt :)
Supplies needed
I am using PSP 2018 but this tutorial should work with any version.
PTU Tube: I am using a gorgeous tube called "Mardi Gras" by Amber. You can purchase this beauty here.
PTU Kit: I am using a fabulous kit called "Mardi Gras Nights" created by Tiny Turtle Designs. You can purchase it here.
FTU Mask. I am using Mizteeques Mask 373.png. You can download it here.
Font of choice for your name.
Plug in: None
Drop shadow of choice. I am using Vertical 0, Horizontal 5, Opacity 75, Blur 10, color black.
I use Vivienne’s drop shadows quite a bit as I really like the look of her shadows. Thank you for letting me use your settings for my tutorials.
An image can get blurred when you resize an element or tube in PSP. I use unsharpen mask for each item. Vivienne has wonderful tips and tricks on how to do this here.
Please read all the Artist's/Designer's TOU.
Let’s get started.
Open a new 800x800 transparent image. We will resize later. Flood fill with white.
Remember to sharpen and drop shadow each image as you create the tag.
Mizteeques mask 373. Copy and paste as a new layer. Resize 80% and again by 90%. Move to the upper right of the tag. Select all, float, defloat and add a new raster layer. Open and copy paper 15. Select the new raster layer and go to Edit, Paste into selections. Select none and delete the original mask layer. Duplicate, mirror and resize 90%. Move the duplicate to the lower left.
Element 103 - Move over the first mask to a spot you like best. Select the mask layer, Select all, Float, Defloat, invert. Select element 103 and hit delete on your keyboard. Deselect.
Element 85 - Resize 60% and move it over to the center of the mask. Drop shadow.
Select element 103. Using your eraser tool, erase the white part showing under the clock on the bottom.
Tube - Copy and paste as a new layer. Resize 30% and move to the left side of the clock. Drop shadow.
Select the clock layer.
Element 43 - Resize 30% and again by 90%. Image free rotate to the left 20 degrees. Move to the lower left of element 85. Using the magic wand, select the center of the frame. Selections, modify, expand by 3. Add a new raster layer and move under the frame layer. Open paper of choice. I am using paper 12. Copy the paper. Select the new raster layer. Edit, paste into selections. Select none. Drop shadow the frame and merge the frame down to the paper layer.
Element 146 - Resize 20% and move to the left side of element 87. Drop shadow.
Element 66 - Resize 15% and move to the bottom left of element 43. Drop shadow.
Element 76 - Resize 15% and move to the upper center of element 43. Drop shadow.
Element 166 - Resize 40% and move to the lower right of the frame. Drop shadow.
Element 103 - Resize 20% and move to the lower right of the clock layer. Drop shadow.
Element 83 - Resize 30% and move to the lower right of the tube.
Select the tube layer.
Element 26 - Resize 10%, free rotate to the right 20 degrees and move to the lower right of element 83. Drop shadow.
Element 87 - Resize 25% and move to the lower right of the tube. Drop shadow.
Element 61 - Resize 15% and move to the lower left of element 26. Drop shadow.
Element 52 - Resize 12% and move to the right of element 61. Drop shadow.
Element 36 - Resize 7% and move to the bottom left of element 61. Drop shadow.
Element 171 - Resize 6% and move to the lower right of element 36. Drop shadow.
Element 111 - Resize 20% and move to the lower left of the tube. Drop shadow.
Element 30 - Resize 10% and move to the lower left of element 111. Drop shadow.
Element 21 - Resize 10% and move to the lower right of element 30. Drop shadow.
Element 16 - Resize 10% and move to the lower right of element 111. Drop shadow.
Element 124 - Resize 20% and move to the lower left of element 87. Drop shadow.
Element 86 - Resize 15% and move to the lower left of element 124. Drop shadow.
Element 75 - Resize 10% and move to the lower left of element 86. Drop shadow.
Element 118 - Resize 20% and move to the lower right of element 124. Drop shadow.
Element 168 - Resize 12% and move to the lower left of element 118. Drop shadow.
Select the small mask and duplicate, Using the pick tool set to scale, pull down the top so the mask almost looks flat. Move under the elements on the upper left. Duplicate this layer, Flip and move down and slightly to the right. Duplicate this layer and resize 60%. Move to the lower left so it shows under the elements. Select the first flat mask. Duplicate and resize 70% and repeat the resize. Mirror and move to the bottom under the mouse.
Add any other elements you would like and make any adjustments on the tag.
Crop and resize your tag. Be careful not to crop off any shadows or mask edges. I resize mine to 650px on the width (if needed) as that is what fits my blog best.
Add your name and copyright.
Hide the white background and save as png.
I hope you have enjoyed my tutorial. I would love to see your results.

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